sycamore 12, 17, 62, 150, 167, 192
Sylvia warblers 23
Tansley, A. G. 3
tansy 167–8
tawny owl 23, 52, 174–5, 177
tawny wave moth 28
teal 10, 32, 34, 66, 146
Teesside 167
Tennyson, Julian 140, 153
terns 84
thatching 33, 146
thistles 167 see also creeping thistle;
spear thistle
Thomas, Keith 70–1
Thompson, E. P. 66
Thorndon, Suffolk 50–1
Thorne and Hatfield Moors, South
Yorkshire 33
thorow wax (Burpleurum
rotundifolium) 111
thrift (Armeria maritime) 82
thrushes 23, 40, 110
timber plantations 20, 98, 117, 118 ,
119–21, 123–4, 130, 150,
152–5, 175, 182, 190, 192
Timothy 38
tits 23, 52 see also bearded tit; blue
tit; great tit; long-tailed tit
toads 174, 180 see also natterjack
tomatoes 162, 179
tormentil (Potentilla erecta) 27, 128
Tortworth chestnut 12
tottering grass 38
Town and Country Planning Act
(1932) 169
Town and Country Planning Act
(1947) 169, 175, 185
‘Townlands’, Lincolnshire 32
transport 77, 79, 88, 93, 140, 148,
157, 163, 180
traveller’s joy 167
tree fern 130
tree of heaven 130
tree pipit 10, 173, 180
tree snail see snails
treecreeper 10, 177
Tresham, Thomas 63
Trevor, Baron 68
tufted duck 177, 181
tulip tree 62
turf (fuel) 19, 26–8, 88, 144–5
Turner, E. L. 146
Turner, Michael 96
turnip moth (Agrostis) 108
turnip sawfly 108
turnstone 31
twite 103
‘up-and-down’ husbandry 37
Upcher, H. M. 102
Venus’ looking-glass (Legousia
hybrida) 41
Vera, Frans 2–3, 9, 24, 191
Vermyden, Cornelius (Dutch
Engineer) 34
vetches 40, 108–9 see also kidney
vetch; purple milk vetch
veteran trees 12, 24, 50, 52
violet(s) (Viola sp.) 61, 70 see also
fen violet
voles 29, 49
field 48
water 152
Wales 9, 50, 56, 7 3, 84 , 113, 140,
141 , 143, 183–4, 187
Prince of 147
wallflower (Cheiranthus cheir) 173
wall-pepper (Sedum acre) 82
warblers (Sylvia) 23
Wardian Case 134–5
Warren, J. B. L. 176
warrens/warreners 15–16, 35,
63–4, 64 , 66, 67 , 68–9 see also
pillow mounds
Breckland 66, 98
commercial 15, 66
on commons 67
decline of 98, 128
on heathland 25, 101
Warrington 60
Wash, The 32, 34
wasps 179