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Works with » Android 4.0 and up

Customise how

web links work


obile browsing almost always
ends up a voyage of discovery,
with one or more links that you
decide will be best checked in detail
later. The usual process is that you will
email yourself the link, or perhaps share it
to a reading app.
If you’re particularly clued up about
Android’s sharing options, you might have
apps like Instapaper or Pocket installed,
prov iding you with the means to catch up
with the bookmarks in a single app.
However, if you have too many apps in your
Android sharing options, things can end up a
little fiddly. The solution comes w ith TapPath
Browser Helper, a simple app that shares
links based on how you tap them.
For a single link (perhaps in an email), your
browser will open; for a double or triple tap,
however, you can launch the link in a preset
app of your choice.

Save time with link sharing by using
gesture controls to open specifi c apps

Launch your favourite apps with a tap
You’ve probably got a couple of apps that you prefer to
share links through, perhaps social or reader apps.
Configuring TapPath for sharing is simple

Confi gure
TapPath taps
Upon launch, you’ll see a
trio of apps, each
requiring a successive
number of taps to launch.
Spend a moment with the
default options, tapping
once, twice, three times
to gauge success opening
the apps.

Edit the delay
between taps
Open Settings to view the
single option: Tap delay.
Tap the control to open
the slider and adjust
based on the speed you’re
comfortable double- and
triple-tapping links. Use
the link provided to
further test your speed.

Set preferred
sharing apps
On the main screen, tap
the default options to
view a list (grouped into
browsers and apps you
can share from) of
compatible apps.
Simply select an app to
set it as the option for
one, two or three taps.

Set as default
For TapPath to work as intended,
you’ll need the app to be set as the
default system browser for HTTP
and HTTPS. Keep an eye on the
orange fl ash at the foot of the
screen when you fi rst launch the
app to set these defaults

Simple settings
The Settings screen doesn’t
offer much in the way of
confi guration beyond a control to
adjust the delay in the double
and triple tap sensor.
What you will fi nd here, however,
is a change log and an FAQ,
which can explain any issues
with TapPath Browser Help

Custom taps
Up to three taps can be used to
launch your preferred app for
viewing or sharing links. These can
be customised by tapping each box
in turn and setting your preferred
app. Make sure you leave one
selected as a browser, just in case!

Share picker
If you prefer to use your usual
Android share picker (perhaps an
app won’t work with TapPath), simply
make sure this option is selected
against one of the tapping options.
After confi guration, you shouldn’t
need to launch TapPath other than
to make further changes

Tapping speed
Before you select which apps to use
with TapPath, see how the app deals
with your tapping speed. You can
spend a few minutes trying it out
with the google.com link below the
selected sharing apps
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