Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses

(Ben Green) #1

Citation formatting is not just busywork to add stress to the task of complet-
ing a paper. Just as providing the proper information in search fields increases
consistency and reliability in searching, providing citation information that
is correct and in the right format increases the reliability and ease of locating
those sources if desired. Providing the correct citation information allows your
work to serve as a conduit for those who are citation chasing.

  1. How can plagiarism be avoided? (Select all that apply.)
    a. By using quotations with proper citations
    b. By paraphrasing the work of others
    c. By erring on the side of caution
    d. By cutting and pasting from websites


How did you do? 1. a, b, c

Apply What You Have Learned

Members of the EBP committee have searched the literature and compiled a list of articles.
As a committee member, you have agreed to retrieve these articles and distribute copies to all
committee members. The first column of the table provided here has a list of the citations. The
second column of the table has search terms and limiters to help you search.

Citation Search Term (Limiter)
Al-Hussami, M., Darawad, M., & Almhairat, I. I. (2011). Predictors of
compliance handwashing practice among healthcare professionals.
Healthcare Infection, 16, 79–84.

Al-Hussami (author)
practice” (all fields)
Chun, H., Kim, K., & Park, H. (2015). Effects of hand hygiene education
and individual feedback on hand hygiene behavior, MRSA, acquisition
rate, and MRSA colonization pressure among intensive care unit
nurses. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 21, 709–715.

Chun (author)
“individual feedback”
(all fields)

Dyson, J., Lawton, R., Jackson, C., & Cheater, F. (2013). Development
of a theory-based instrument to identify barriers and louvers
to best hand hygiene practice among healthcare practitioners.
Implementation Science, 8(111), 1–9.

Dyson (author)
Lawton (author)
“barriers” (all fields)


4.5 Keeping It Ethical 125
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