Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses

(Ben Green) #1
Once you have searched for the item, it will appear. To obtain the summary, click on the link
“JBI Database PDF.” The summary will open in a full-text mode.

The second item is a systematic review. Like the summary, this is considered a high level of
evidence because it provides a critical analysis of multiple sources of evidence. This resource
can be obtained by searching in PubMed, CINAHL, or Nursing and Allied Health Database. Use
information in the citation to find this article quickly.

Kingston, L., O’Connell, N. H., & Dunne, C. P. (2016). Hand hygiene-related clinical trials
reported since 2010: A systematic review. The Journal of Hospital Infection, 92, 309–320.

The third source of evidence obtained by the EBP committee comes from The New York Times.
In this article, the author has also combined information from multiple sources, but this item
is intended for lay people. Therefore, it is ranked low on the hierarchy of evidence; however, this
does not mean that it cannot contribute to the body of evidence. This article is posted on the
Web, and you can obtain it by entering the http website listed in the citation. Or, you can enter
the phrase “you’ve been washing your hands wrong” into a search engine such as Google or Bing.
Here is the citation:

Bromwich, J. E. (2016, April 20). You’ve been washing your hands wrong. The New York
Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/21/health/washing-hands
.html?_r= 0

Read these articles and complete the grid for each of them. Be aware that because these are
not studies, you may not have information to put in each of the columns. When this is the case,
simply indicate “not applicable.”

Apply What You Have Learned (continued)

» Propositional knowledge is the science of nursing, and nonpropositional knowledge is the
art of nursing.
» The pyramid of the 5 Ss is an organizing framework that explains the importance of various
levels of evidence. It uses the 5 Ss: studies, syntheses, synopses, summaries, and systems.
» Syntheses include case studies, concept analyses, meta-synthesis systematic reviews, traditional
literature reviews, integrative reviews, and meta-analyses.


326 CHAPTER 12 Other Sources of Evidence

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