Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses

(Ben Green) #1

conference can reduce wasted effort and disappointment. See Box 19-1 for
tips on how to write a good abstract.

Individuals who submit abstracts for consideration at a conference are
notified about the outcome of the review. With the acceptance of an abstract
come several professional obligations. It is important to indicate acceptance
of the invitation. If circumstances have changed and it is necessary to decline,
doing so in a timely manner will allow the selection committee to fill the spot.
When a commitment to present is made, it is essential to fulfill that commit-
ment. Conference attendees become disgruntled if presenters are absent. If
circumstances warrant an absence, having a colleague present is an acceptable
alternative. Registration and payment of conference fees are required of most
presenters, but sometimes a reduced fee is available.

When at the conference, presenters have a responsibility to fulfill the obliga-
tions of being a presenter. There are designated times for setting up and taking
down posters. Presenters should adhere to these scheduled times. Presenters
should make themselves available next to their posters during poster sessions
to answer questions and convey excitement about the topic (Ellerbee, 2006).
It is not unusual for attendees to seek out specific presenters who have similar
interests. This type of networking is invaluable. Poster sessions provide an excel-
lent forum for nurses from different settings to meet and exchange information

Target appropriate audience and conference aim
Ensure abstract is submitted by the deadline
Carefully follow directions for formatting
Use appropriate font and font size (Arial and Times New Roman 10
and 12 allow maximum wordage in a limited space)
Adhere to the word limit specified
Provide biographical and contact information as requested
Keep title clear and concise using fewer than 10 words
Write in past tense
Provide key information in a succinct manner
Correct errors
Ask a colleague to provide feedback
Check for spelling mistakes
Take 5 minutes to conduct a final check

BOX 19-1 Tips on How to Write a Good Abstract

19.2 The 3 Ps of Dissemination 493
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