Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses

(Ben Green) #1

statistics, defined, 332
subjects, recruitment and retention of, 301
using to provide evidence
ethics, 302–303, 302–305, 304b
nonprobability methods, 295–298, 296t
probability methods, 290–294, 291t, 292t
sampling, fundamentals of, 285–289, 288f
sampling bias
nonprobability sampling methods, 296t
probability sampling methods, 291t
representativeness of samples, 290
sampling distribution, 363
sampling error
probability, 354
representativeness of samples, 289
sampling frame, defined, 290
sampling interval, defined, 294
sampling methods
nonprobability methods
convenience sampling, 295, 296t
overview, 290
purposive sampling, 296t, 297–298
quota sampling, 296t, 297
theoretical sampling, 296t, 298
probability methods, cluster sampling, 293–294
cluster sampling, 293–294
simple random sampling, 290, 291t
stratified random sampling, 291t, 293
systematic random sampling, 291t, 293
sampling plan, defined, 286
defined, 258
quantitative research data collection, 258–259, 259f
Schäfer method, 132
Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice, 27
scholarly literature, as type of evidence, 97, 99
science, evolution of nursing as
historical overview, 23–31, 29b
scientific development, cycle of, 23, 24f
scientific literature publication cycle, 96–98
scientific research, as source of evidence, 7
search field, defined, 108
search strategies, general, 110–111
secondary sources, as type of evidence, 98
selection bias, 156
self-awareness, as characteristic of innovators, 451, 452
semiquartile range, as measure of variability,
345–346, 346f
sense of inquiry, as characteristic of innovators, 449, 450
sensitivity, defined, 213

short-term outcomes, described, 472
short-term wins, in change phases model, 438, 439f, 441
Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), 53
EBP conference, 44
sign test, 364t, 367
signed rank test, 367
significance level, and determining sample size, 300
simple hypothesis
associative/causal relationships, 78–79, 79f
defined, 79
directional hypotheses, 80
research question, example for, 81t
vs. complex hypotheses, 79
simple random sampling, 290, 291t
skewed distribution of data
kurtosis, 343, 344f
negative and positive, 343, 344f
snowball sampling, 298
qualitative research, 223
socialization, as characteristic of innovators, 452
Solomon four-group designs
limitations of, 175
true experimental design, 173t, 174–175
spatial clustering, 201
Spearman Rho, 364t, 369
specificity, defined, 213
split-half reliability, 268, 269t, 270
stability, as attribute of reliability, 268, 269t
staff nurses, and EBP performance criteria, 44–45, 46b
stakeholder involvement, change in, 441–443, 442b
standard deviation
measure of variability, 346, 347t
normal distribution and percentage distribution,
348 f, 349, 349f
symbol for, 332t
standard score, symbol for, 332t
State Boards of Health, mandated reports to, 477
statistical conclusion validity, internal validity, 158
statistical hypothesis, defined, 80. See also null
statistical methods for research, 136
statistical significance and clinical significance
differentiating between, 371
statistical symbols for descriptive statistics, 331, 332t
statistical tables, reading, tips for, 371b
statistically significant, defined, 355
defined, 332
symbols for, 332t
using, to describe sample, 331–333, 332t

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