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(Barry) #1
Spanish Typhoons have participated in many
exercises, including a deployment to the
US for a Red Flag in March 2017. Spanish
aircraft involved were eight Typhoons from
the 11th and 14th Wings and two KC-130

Hercules from 31st Wing. Two Italian Boeing
KC-767 tankers supported the deployment,
each looking after four Typhoons.
At total of 229 personnel from the
Spanish Air Force participated in the
deployment, 37 of them pilots, all with

the NATO Combat Ready 3 (CR.3)
quali cation.
During the exercise, 157 sorties were
made, accumulating a total of 274.39  ight
hours in the process. The missions were a
mix of air-to-air and air-to-ground strikes –
48 GBU-16 bombs were dropped during the
latter, using the Litening III pod. Operational
availability throughout the exercise did not
fall below 94%. The detachment was led
by Colonel Manuel Ojeda, from Combat Air
Command (MACOM).
Colonel Ojeda said after the deployment:
“Our pilots demonstrated they could
accomplish the allocated air-to-air mission,
keeping the assigned area free of Red Air

22 Aviation News incorporating Jets June 2018

Above: Typhoons leaving Morón at the start
of their journey to Nellis AFB to take part in
Red Flag.
Left: A Russian Sukhoi Su-34 intercepted
by Spanish Typhoons during an Amber
detachment scramble in 2015. Spanish Air Force

This photo: A pair of Typhoons from the 11th Wing.

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