aviation - the past, present and future of flight

(Michael S) #1

We saw plenty of Turkish  ghters, F-84Fs,
RF-84Fs and F-100s, which  ew around the
coast and over Cyprus. We watched them
strafe and rocket Greek ground targets just
outside the Episkopi Sovereign Base Area
“If Turkish aircraft had looked like attacking
any of the SBAs, we were cleared to engage
and ‘shoot to kill’. This was very exciting
for a young pilot like me, with just a few
years’ experience and witnessing what was
probably the closest the Lightning ever came
to  ring a shot in anger.”
Tim had great affection for the Lightning,
saying: “It was very exciting, extremely
powerful, but you could easily run yourself
short of fuel if you headed in the wrong

direction at the wrong time. The Lightning
taught me good airmanship and situational
awareness relative to land, air elds and other
“Later aircraft were much more forgiving
than the Lightning, but it was a great airplane
to cut your teeth on for a  rst tourist.”
He accumulated more than 600 Lightning
hours during his tour.

A growing, Soviet-backed, communist
insurgency had developed in Oman’s Dhofar
region and threatened to undermine and
overthrow the government. Struggling to
defeat the rebels, the new Sultan secured
British support.

The UK government agreed to provide
ground forces and RAF personnel to  y
Oman’s own newly acquired Strikemaster
Mk.82/Mk.82As. While in Cyprus, Tim had
brie y visited a friend serving in Oman and
expressed an interest in joining him for his
next posting.
He explained: “That back red slightly,
because about six months before I was
scheduled to complete my time with 56 Sqn,
I was told to go to Oman immediately. After a
quick Jet Provost refresher course in the UK
during autumn 1974, I arrived there during
November, loaned to the Sultan of Oman’s Air
Force for the tour.” Tim joined 1 Sqn, Sultan of
Oman’s Air Force, at Salalah air eld, describing
it as “a very exciting two years on operations”.

http://www.aviation-news.co.uk 29

Tim Hewlett was boss of 54 Sqn
from 1991 to 1993. Key Collection

Members of 56 Sqn in Cyprus lining up in the  gures of a ‘5’ and ‘6’ with two Lightnings and ‘their own’ Canberra, which formed the target facilities  ight.

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