Scale aviation modeller international

(Axel Boer) #1
details to reveal the aluminium
lacquer beneath. My method of
washing paint away using a soft
brush, loaded with white spirit, is a
much quicker process than trying to
paint small details individually with
silver paint. It looks better too and
negates the need for further pin-
washing, as recessed details remain
filled with the dark enamel (note
that this method really works only
when using slow-drying enamels,
as they remain malleable and
therefore workable for far longer
than do quick-drying acrylics).
The inner surfaces of the
cowling panels received a covering
of darkened RLM02 (ACLW
from the Colourcoats range of

enamels), which was also washed
off selected areas to reveal the
aluminium beneath and so
replicate wear. The propeller
blades too benefitted from this
process along their leading edges.
Once the base colours had
hardened, highlights were added
by dry-brushing lighter mixes of
the original RLM shades on the
cowling panels and propeller.

The next box I opened was set
648354, Fw190A-4 Fuselage
Guns. This set can be used on its
own or in conjunction with the
engine set to create an entire open
nose area forward of the canopy.
The thirteen resin components
include the rear half of the BMW
801 engine and engine mounting
frame, which replicates those
contained within the engine set, a
combined firewall and gun deck, a
pair of machine guns, ammunition
drums, two upper-cowl panels,
various pipes and compressed
air bottles, and the ubiquitous
etched fret containing yet more

tiny details to get accidentally
stuck to one’s fingers or sacrificed
to the gods of modelling.
Obviously, if you are adding the
engine set detailed above, then the
replicated resin components in this
set will be fodder for your spares
box or backup parts should you end
up breaking the delicate engine
mounting frames in the first set.
As might be expected, if adding
both of the above sets, then there is
some modification required to the
fuselage halves as supplied in the
ProfiPak. This is minimal, however,
requiring the removal of just two
integrally moulded cowling panels

  • one from each of the fuselage
    halves – and a section of framework
    from the lower wing section just
    forward of the undercarriage
    bays. If, however, you are simply
    adding the latter set, then there
    are no modifications required.

Eduard/Brassin accessory set
number 648356 Wing-Root Gun
Bays is the simplest of the
three sets so far,
containing just ten
resin components
and a tiny etched fret
featuring two parts. Despite being
the least time consuming of the
sets to prepare, with next to no
assembly required, the minimal


014-21-FEAT-Fw190-0518.indd 16 13/04/2018 14:

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