Scale aviation modeller international

(Axel Boer) #1
The weathering process began by spraying a coat of thinned AKMC-002 White inside the panel lines

I used a bespoke oil wash to pick out the details.....

...and any excess was removed with a soft cloth damp with thinners

....on the upper..... ....and lower surfaces in a wraparound colour scheme

before any excess was removed with
a soft cloth damp with thinners.
Portugese aircraft are kept
in pretty good condition, so
I didn’t go overboard with
weathering. However, I did need
to simulate some oil and fuel
leaks so I turned to AK Interactive
Aircraft Engine Weathering
Set AK 2000, and applied some

subtle lubricant stains. Once
I was happy with the look I
applied a coat of MC-099 Matt.
I needed to simulate the sealant
that runs around the canopy,
and I did this with a little white-
painted masking tape, carefully
adjusting it into place with the
help of a cocktail stick. Finally,
all of the smaller parts were fixed
and the build was complete.
I have to say that this was
not an easy kit, as it demands
some extra work, but once
finished really looks the part.



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