
(nextflipdebug2) #1


Lots of accessories make the RunCam Night Eagle an easy match
for any telescope or camera lens. by Richard P. Wilds

n inexpensive new video cam-
era has come onto the scene.
RunCam Technology Co.,
in partnership with the
International Occultation Timing
Association (IOTA), has adapted one of its
sensitive “quadcopter FPV” video cameras
for use by amateur astronomers.
The monochrome RunCam Night
Eagle 2 Astro Edition has a sensitivity of
0.00001 lux and supports the 640x480
NTSC and 720x576 PAL formats. Using
CMOS technology, its sensor can detect
faint stellar targets even through small
portable telescopes.

IOTA’s input
IOTA has assisted RunCam to produce an
incredible video camera at an affordable
price. Enhancements made specifically
to aid in the observation of occultations
include internally controlled integrations
of two, four, and eight exposures (pro-
viding images of stars across the field of
view well into the double-digit magnitude
range); improved gain controls for faint
objects (which now include settings from
1 to 9); and brightness controls for bright
objects (which now include settings from

8 to 250). This gives the user maximum
control over video exposures.
An added bonus for star party users is
that RunCam includes a digital zoom so
others can get a close-up view of objects on
the video screen.
Of course, your field of view through
different optical configurations will vary.
When using the 0.5 Knight Owl Focal
Reducer without the zoom, a 12-inch f/5
Newtonian ref lector produces a field 0.5°
wide, or equal to the width of the Full
Moon. A 4.8-inch f/5 refractor gives a field
twice as wide, a full 1°. And wider (even
much wider) fields are possible through
camera lenses of various focal lengths.
Because of the camera’s sensitivity,
bright planets can saturate the sensor when
using the Knight Owl 0.5 Focal Reducer.
However, I am confident that those inter-
ested in planetary photography will find
little difficulty in replacing the Knight Owl
Focal Reducer with a quality Barlow lens to



with this low-cost camera

Above and right: The individual parts and the
assembled view for the RunCam Night Eagle 2
Astro Edition are shown in a configuration typical
for refractors with 2-inch or larger apertures, and
all Newtonian reflectors. RICHARD P. WILDS

Strain relief Camera

12m m to
C-mount adapter

5mm C-mount
spacers (2)

C-mount to 1^1 ⁄ 4 " adapter
(^1 ⁄ 2 " barrel length)

Knight Owl 0.5X Focal
Reducer or equivalent

Optional 1^1 ⁄ 4 "
extender ring
Free download pdf