Asian Photography – July 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1

tips and techs

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Over the years we have provided several tips for amateur and professional
photographers alike. This time, we will do something different. This time, we will talk
about the things we learnt on the field, while taking photographs so that professionals
who are just starting out, can move away from the bookish knowledge and jump
right into the knowledge gathered from experience. In this two-part series we discuss
pointers that may help you in your professional endeavours in the future.

Top 10 Tips for

Professional Photographers

Funny images
The entire point of a photograph remains
inclomplete if it has no viewers. We take
photographs so that someone, even if it
is just ourselves can view the photos at
some point in our life. The more engaging
the photograph is, the better is the
experience for the viewer. The concept
is to try and engage the viewer and
increase a photograph’s viewing time.
Funny images are a hit on the internet
as much they are a hit on exhibitions.
Try out an angle or a composition that
is witty and funny. A lighthearted image
engages a viewer much more than a
serious, blurry and artsy image. We as
human beings are naturally attracted to
lighthearted fun compared to the morose
and morbid.

Patterns are great
Sometimes looking away from the subject and making the background your
subject can be fun too.Textures and patterns make for lovely imagery. Even
when shooting wildlife, textures and patterns make excellent macro images
as demonstrated in our pro-profile section this month as well! The best part is
that unlike most other types of photography, textures and patterns do not need
much hunting. They are omnipresent and can be easily photographed as a still
life image. They can also be useful if you wish to sell your images to stock photo
agencies since many mobile phone companies, PC manufacturers etc use these
textures as backgrounds on their devices. This can be a great way to make easy
money from your photography ventures.

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