Asian Photography – July 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1
July 2019 - 59

TEXT: SouradEEp roy

Some landscape
photographers to follow
• Ansel Adams
• Ted Gore

  • Daniel Kordan

  • Max Rive

  • Michael Shainblum

  • Guy Tal

  • Thomas Heaton

  • Michael Kenna

  • Chris Burkard

  • Joe Cornish

Exposure settings
There is no substitute to a perfectly
exposed image. Specially when the
dynamic range of the landscape is
breathtaking. Shooting RAW images will
help you a little when post production.
Shoot in manual mode and use a tripod
when shooting. Keep the aperture value
high so that everything looks sharp and
crisp. Shooting RAW will allow you to
open up the shadow areas while keeping
the highlights perfectly exposed.
Learning to read the histogram on your
camera can also be helpful. Using an ND
filter will allow you to play around with
your settings in extremely bright sunlight
when shooting slow shutter speed
images etc. If you feel that in an image
the colours are not that pleasing to the
eye, you can try and shoot it in black
and white or convert it to black and
white later on as well! Since you will use
a tripod more often than not you won’t
have to worry about the shutter speed.
But if you are shooting handheld, make
sure that the shutter speed value is not
too low or there will be camera shake

which will destroy the image completely.
You can also use Aperture priority
instead of manual mode when shooting
on a tripod and when not shooting in
tricky situations like star trails, slow
shutter photos and so on.
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