Asian Photography – July 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1
July 2019 - 77

Those little storage cards are expensive, but the temptation
to carry one single card can be problematic. Your memory
card might fill up precisely when you are shooting that money
shot, when the light is right, or when the entire group is all
smiling at the camera. The remedy? Buy more memory cards
and carry them along. Change your card before it completely
fills up in between shots.

This is one of the common bad habits which
beginners have. Constantly checking your
images on the LCD display, even when you
are shooting, is called chimping. Nothing
wrong with it if you are shooting still life
or landscapes. But if you are into street
photography or at a wedding or party you
may miss that decisive moment, as you will
be too engrossed in the process of chimping.

There are a lot of beginner photographers who fill up a
memory card with images then buys another, fills that up,
then buys another which is a dangerous habit. And then
sometimes end up formatting and using an old card in the
process thus losing valuable data. The pain of having a
hard drive fail, losing more than a year’s photography work
is too much as well. To be super-secure, you really should
store your photographs in three different locations like cloud
storage, external hard drives and a computer and make it a
habit to back up photos after every shoot.

Depen Ding on a singLe memory carD

c himping

n ot backing-up the photos
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