PhotoPlus The Canon Magazine – August 2019

(Michael S) #1

The Canon Magazine 53

beautiful sunrises

04 sharP shoTs
With light levels fairly low in the mornings,
before the sun comes up and using a
narrow-ish aperture, you’ll end up with a
fairly slow shutter speed. So it’s best to
use a tripod to ensure you capture
shake-free, sharp sunrise shots.

05 ComPose CorreCT ly
With your Canon on a tripod, you have
both hands free to compose and expose
using Live View. We’ll compose our shot,
then use the focus box, zooming in x10
view, and manually focus our lens until the
most important area in the scene is sharp.

06 enhanCe in PhoToshoP
We then made some enhancements of our
Raw in Photoshop’s Adobe Camera Raw
workspace. We increased Shadows and
Whites, and dropped Contrast, Highlights
and Blacks down, and used a digital
graduated filter to create a dramatic sky.

Daniel kay

For landscape
shots, avoid
shooting with the
narrowest aperture
of, say, f/22 as
diffraction will affect
image quality.

QuiCk tip!

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