PhotoPlus The Canon Magazine – August 2019

(Michael S) #1

The Canon Magazine 59

put a spin on landscapes

Project 4

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01 Dial in the right settings
In your Canon camera’s Aperture Priority (Av mode),
dial in an aperture of f/5.6 to blur the background. Or
f/22 to keep it sharp like we did, then tweak the ISO
until you get a shutter speed of 1/60 sec or faster.

03 Make a rough selection of the ball
Open your picture into Photoshop or Elements and
grab the Elliptical Lasso tool from the toolbar and
drag your cursor over the lens ball to make a
generally rough selection of it.

05 feather the eDges of the selection
Go to Select>Select and Mask and change the view
mode to Overlay so you can clearly see what you’re
doing and then tweak the Feather slider to soften the
edge slightly. We used a value of 6px and hit OK.

02 focus anD take the shot
Place your lens ball on some prominent foreground
that doesn’t obstruct the view of the ball, taking care
to not leave fingerprints on it. Focus on the landscape
inside the ball and press the shutter to take the shot.

04 fine-tune the selection
Go to Select>Transform Selection and drag the
handles of the bounding box, so that the selection
lines up perfectly with the outside edge of the ball.
Hit Return when you’re done to finalize the selection.

06 flip the iMage
Press Ctrl/Cmd+J to lift the selection on to a new
layer and hit Ctrl/Cmd+T to put it into Free Transform
Mode. Hover your cursor over an outside corner and
drag it round, rotating until it’s the right way up.

how To take gorgeous glass ball pictures

put a fresh twist on classic landscapes using a glass lens ball

buyinG a

lens ball
We used the lensball pro
which has a diameter
of 80mm and claims to
be perfected optically to
offer the highest quality
pictures. it also comes
with a handy protective
soft bag to keep it clean
when you’re on route to
a location. You can even
get 10% off your order
using the promo code
pHotoplus when you
(expiry for this offer is
31 august 2019).
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