Progressive Grocer – July 2019

(John Hannent) #1

56 |^ Progressive Grocer^ |^ Ahead of What’s Next^ |^ July 2019

Category Watch Snacks

Offering a range flavored healthy snacks

and dips at affordable price points

Company and brand profi le:
Snackible & Dipsters was incepted
in 2015 under Lightsaber Food
Ventures Pvt. Ltd with the aim to
revolutionize the snacks industry by
introducing a premium range of healthy,
tasty and reasonably priced snacks, which
are conveniently accessible across
the country.

Product portfolio: Th e company’s
product range is completely diff erent
from the snacking options available to the
consumer. For instance, its dips range is
much diversifi ed and fl exible, which allows
it to cater to a bigger consumer group and
gives it an edge over other snacks brands
that have a linear product line. Th e range
of unique dips along with ragi chips,
waffl e chips and mini biscuits allows the
company to target a larger consumer base

  • in the 10-35 age group – which is bigger
    than the TG of many other snacks brands.
    Snackible’s range of dips is not
    constricted to only snacks lovers; rather
    its chocolate and hazelnut dip is also very
    popular with school-goers and chocolate
    lovers as well. Similarly, Snackible’s other
    snack options such as makhani, cheesy
    jalapeno, spicy mayo and cheesy cream dip
    are a hit with adult consumers.

Brand USP and diff erentiators: Th e
brand’s basic competitive USP are: Chips
and dip combo at an aff ordable price; Low
oil usage, low cholesterol, and low trans
fat; Consumers can enjoy snacks on-the-
go; Added chocolate and hazelnut variant
in a snacks product line. As a snack brand,
Snackible stands apart on the pricing front
and off ers products at an aff ordable price
point of Rs. 35 only. Th e aff ordable and
competitive pricing of Snackible products
ensures that the brand is able to reach out
to a larger consumer base, including the
middle-class as well as upper-middle class
segments of society.
Snackible’s product line is designed
to bring both the snacks lovers and dip
lovers under a single umbrella and create
a whole new consumer base for the
brand. Snackible’s product range keeps

It is important to focus on
the length and breadth and
not on the depth of the
distribution, at least in the
initial years of operation. As
such, we are strengthening
our retail and supply chain
systems by providing a
lucrative margin to all
channel partners.

  • Abhinav Biswas
    AVP Sales & Marketing, Snackible

introducing new additions in fl avors as
per the market requirement. Moreover,
the brand’s range of products cannot be
replaced or substituted as the products
can be consumed during offi ce breaks,
school breaks, while enjoying a movie or
travelling in an airbus, and on many other
occasions as well.
Th e company has also invested in and
introduced Italian M.A.P technology to
extend the shelf life of its products while
maintaining it focus on introducing fresh
and fl avorful products that continually
meet consumers’ expectation for brand
quality and consistency.

Retailing strategy: Th e company
maintains diff erent set of strategies for
operating in General Trade and Modern
Trade. Some of the basic strategies
that it follows in General Trade are:
Maximization of registered outlets by
ensuring a presence in every Grade
A and B stores in every active town;
Emphasizing on product visibility and
merchandising at retail level; Appointing
good channel partners, especially who are

associated with snacks brands to ensure
that the brand reaches its target outlets
through their distribution network;
Keeping a systematic balance between
primary sales, secondary sales and tertiary
sales to check unnecessary stock damage.
For modern trade, the company’s basic
strategies are: A launching scheme for
consumers at every newly launched MT
chain for the fi rst quarter; Recruiting
adequate sales promotion team and
conducting a hygienic sampling campaign
at every leading MT store; Making

retailers conscious about healthy snacking
habits; Conducting consumer engagement
activities at MT stores to rope in new
consumers; concentrating on online chains
wherever there is an opportunity for
product placement.

Future plans and roadmap ahead: Th e
company plans to come up with a large
number of mass market products based
on price, size, shape, and fl avor. It is also
planning for incorporating greater value
addition at regular intervals based on
Indian festivals – like adding a special
packaging with pocket friendly price to
bump sales three-fold during the festival
season. Th e company is working on this
strategy for the upcoming Rakhi Festival
and will be launching its 4-pack combo.
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