Once the driver has
downloaded, launch it and follow the
installation instructions. At this point
your Mac may notify you of a new
network interface. If it does, click
Network Preferences and select
Apply. Open your Mac’s System
Preferences and select
Sharing>Internet Sharing option.
2 Internet Sharing
Open ‘Share your connection from:’
and choose your regular internet
connection, for example, Wi-Fi. In
the ‘To computer using:’ section,
select your Android device. Then
check internet sharing. If a warning
appears, read it and if you are
comfortable, click Start.
Enable Internet
On your Android device, open the
Terminal Emulator and type su.
Enter busybox ifconfi g which will
return the name of your USB
interface – usually either rndis0 or
usb0. The following commands use
the interface rndis0 but if yours is
usb0, then use this instead.
Launch terminal
Enter ‘netcfg rndis0 dhcp’. Close
the Terminal Emulator. Your Android
device should now have access to
your Mac’s internet connection. It’s
possible some of your apps may not
recognise the USB tether as an
internet connection, so at this point
it’s worth testing a few of your apps.
Reverse USB
Turn on your 3G connection. Then
return to the Terminal Emulator and
run the following, replacing
‘your-interface’ with the name of
your 3G interface ‘ifconfi g your-
interface’. Disconnect your
3G, test the apps again and you
should have internet connection.
Force USB
You may want to share your
phone’s internet connection with
your computer. The best way is to
turn your Android into a portable
Wi-Fi hotspot. On your device,
select Settings>More>Tethering &
portable hotspot>Set up Wi-Fi
hotspot. Tap Security and ensure
your hotspot is password-protected.
8 Use Wi-Fi hotspot
Return to the main ‘Tethering &
portable Wi-Fi hotspot’ screen and
tap ‘Portable Wi-Fi hotspot’. Then
open your Mac’s Wi-Fi menu and
choose the new AndroidAP network.
Enter your password and after a few
seconds your Mac should be
sharing your Android device’s Wi-Fi.
Connect to
If you fi nd yourself making
heavy use of your Android’s hotspot
capabilities, you may want to
download an app that makes it
easier to toggle this feature on and
off. One such app is Portable Wi-Fi,
which you can download for free
from the Google Play store to aid
easy hotspot usage.
10 Try a shortcut