»troubleshooting advice »^ hints and tips
DroidSuppor t
There’s an insufficient
memory warning, but
HiShirley.When you say
that you have plenty of
memor y available, it
some cases could mean that going
below 1GB of free space can cause
problems. If this is not the case
and you really do have a lot of
space, try going to
Settings>General>Storage and tap
Phone app and dial *#9900#. On
‘Delete dumpstate/logcat’ and
confirm the action. This will
delete the data files and you
should see no adverse reaction
now tr y to download apps again
and hopefully it will work fine. If
available, we would have to
reset to see if
there is a system
issue causing
this to happen
Provided you
have the lates
version of An
that is availa
there should
reason for t
happen un
phone is ru
of system
the above
resolve th
should n
even if y
reset, bu
know h
if the p
after fo
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“My husband’s Samsung Galaxy S2 keeps saying
that there’s not enough storage space or insuffi cient
memory whenever we try to download an app. It’s
so frustrating because we know there’s plenty of
memory on his phone. I’ve tidied up the apps and
moved some (those thatcouldbemoved)overto
his new 32GB SD card.”
Shirley McKendry
All Android devices require space to run
the operating system in
When you next receive a notifi cation from
an app and want to stop them, simply
hold down your fi nger on the latest one
that appears. Then tap App info and
untick the Show notifi cations option in
the next screen. This is the easiest way to
quickly stop them.
Did you know?
You can dial a number to remove log
fi les which are often problematic