LG or Motorola, then you could well be in luck. If it
comes from a company less well known, or is a very
old or very cheap device, the manufacturer is under
no obligation to provide any software updates.
To check whether an update is available for your
phone or tablet, open the Settings menu (tap the cog
icon in the app menu) and look for an option called
About phone or About tablet. What you see next
may di er from device to device, but in most cases
you'll see a menu option called Software update or
System updates – tap on this.
If an update is available, you will now be given
the chance to download and install it. Before you
do so, check that your phone or tablet is connected
to Wi-Fi, that it has at least 50 percent of its battery
remaining (plug it into a mains socket if it doesn't),
and that anything you want to keep is backed up
just in case.
If, however, you open the Software Update menu
and get a message that 'The fi le in the SD card does
not exist' (or similar), it's likely that your phone is
rooted. If this is the case you will have to download
and manually install Android updates.