The best way to check out IFTTT is to
try it for yourself and see which recipes might
simplify your daily digital life
if you like sharing photos with friends who don’t
use the same platforms as you. Instead of opening
each social media app, downloading and emailing
the photos, this recipe can save you time by simply
sharing the link to your Dropbox folder.
Bonus recipe: Finding a lost phone
Losing your phone at home is so annoying. You
know it’s in the house somewhere but hours of
searching has proved fruitless. This IFTTT recipe
integrates Gmail with the call function of your phone.
So, next time you lose your phone, just send yourself
an email and your phone will start ringing.
Is IFTTT for you?
The best way to check out the potential benefi ts is
by trying IFTTT out for yourself and seeing which
recipes might simplify your daily digital life. As
mentioned there are many existing recipes to show
you the kind of thing that is possible, some of which
are practical and useful, others which are fun and
entertaining. It’s not di cult to get to grips with this
piece of technology either, so you’ll soon be creating
your own tailored recipes and seeing for yourself
whether IFTTT is an online saviour or just another
piece of superfl uous software.
This article was written by John Summers from