Dropbox has been around for a while now
and in that time it’s become a lot of
people’s go-to app for cloud storage. There
are plent y of good reasons for that, not least
because of how well the app integrates with
your Android dev ice. In this masterclass
we’re going to tr y and get under the skin of
Dropbox and show you the best ways to add
cloud storage into your everyday Android
routine. Hopefully we’ll be able to show you
something you’ve not seen before then shed
options you might be using regularly. We’ll
show you how to save fi les for offl ine access,
walk you through some neat features that
will ensure you never lose a photo again and
discuss whether a Dropbox Pro account is
really the best way for you to go or not. We’ll
even suggest some tips for fi le naming and
folder distinctions. There won’t be any thing
particularly challenging here, but for some of
it you might need a computer close by in
order to sync your folders and check that
everything is working properly.
More handy tips
Three more hints to get your Dropbox account working just the
way you want it to
- It will cost you
Is it worth getting a Dropbox Pro account? That
depends on what you want to do with Dropbox. If
you only use it for photos and the odd document
then it is likely to be a waste of money. - Flexible and more secure
If you’re using it for business reasons, the Pro
account will give you more fl exibility and a good
deal more security. You can add passwords and
time constraints to your documents to ensure
the right team members can see them. - Made for work
You can still share documents with external
members of your team, but you don’t have to
give them access to all of the fi les. It’s a cleaner
approach and one that utilises Dropbox as a
platform for work instead of just storage. - Change access settings
It’s simple to add and revoke access as well. As
soon as you delete a team member, they can no
longer see what’s on the account. This means
that you don’t need to worry about sensitive
data ending up anywhere you don’t want it. - 30-day free trial
If you’re not sure whether it’s going to benefi t
you then sign up for a free 30-day trial to give
the features a go.
Should you go pro?
Here’s the pros & cons
Share to multiple people
Tap the arrow next to the fi le’s name then go to
send a link. Select Send to Contact then add
multiple names or addresses as you would if you
were sending an email.
Make a new folder
To make a new folder or to get one from your
computer, just tap on the large plus button in
the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. This
will open a list of items you can create.
Change the sharing settings
Shared folders have a different icon. To change
the settings, open the folder then tap the arrow
in the top-right corner to see who has access
and who can edit the fi les within the folder.
your cloud storage in the best way
»^ masterclass
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