App used » A.I.Mobile Scheduler Works with » Android 4.4 and up
Take the pain out of
arranging m
Do you seem to spend lots of time trying to
set up meetings with colleagues or friends? A.I.Mobile Scheduler aims to
automate the meeting-scheduling process by
syncing with any calendar apps installed on
your device and learning your personal
preferences. When you come to plan a
meeting, the app will recommend a suitable
time and location then check this against the
schedule of all attendees.
When it’s time to send invites, Kono syncs
with your contacts list so it can notify
attendees v ia email or SMS text message. On
the day of the meeting Kono will adv ise you
when to set off based on the traffi c
conditions, prov ide a suggested route and
may even advise you on nearby locations
worth v isiting after your meeting.
You can download A.I.Mobile
Scheduler from the Google Play store.
Automatically schedule your
meetings using the free
mobile scheduler app
Change of plan?
Need to change the date, time or location of an
event? Or maybe you missed someone off the
invite list? Learn how to edit your events
Edit time, date
and location
From the main calendar
screen, tap the event you
would like to change and
then select Edit. On the
subsequent screen that
appears, you can change
the event’s date, time or
location by tapping the
corresponding fi eld as
shown above.
Add more people
to the meeting
To add more people to your
event, tap Member and
then select all the people
you want to invite. You also
have the option to remove
people from the event if
your change your mind. Do
this by deleting their name
from the Who fi eld at the
top of the screen
Delete or confi rm
Back on the main Kono
screen, you’ll notice that
events appear as Pending
until they’re confi rmed.
To delete a pending
event, tap it and then
select the Delete
Invitation option.
Alternatively, you can
remove the Pending label
by tapping Confi rm.
Ty p e of eve n t
upcoming appointments. To
schedule a new event, tap the
type from the list: meeting,
conference call, lunch, dinner
or hang out. Then tap Next Buildaninvitelist
contacts Kono has found
across your device. This will
typically be a mix of email
addresses and phone
numbers. Select all the
then tap Next. Kono then
checks each attendees’
schedule, where possible
Send your invites
Select up to three different
dates, times and locations.
When you’re happy with the
information you have entered,
tap Next. Kono will then
invitation with your list of
times, dates and locations
attached. Edit this text if
required and then tap Send
Choose a location
Kono’s suggested locations
then tap the edit pencil icon.
you can either type the
location of your choice or tap
Map and then choose a
location using Google Maps
Kono will suggest some
times, dates and locations. To
use one of the suggested
time and date combos, tap
the accompanying icon so it
arrow instead and make your
selection from the calendar
that will appear