Poetry and Animals

(Barry) #1

4–5; fox in, 29, 30; goat in, 195–96;
hedgehog in, 83, 118, 151–52; hornet in,
62; horses in, 131–32, 146–48;
interpretation of animals and, 12; jerboa
in, 108–10, 207n44; lamb in, 33–36, 91;
lion in, 30; monkeys in, 65–66; moose
in, 70, 138–40, 148; pangolin in, 110–12,
207 n47; pig as, 30, 165–66; purpose of, 9;
sheep in, 170–71; stag in, 45–48; tiger in,
91–92, 205n19; turtle in, 168–69; in
Victorian period, 1; volume of, 192–93;
whale in, 77; wolf in, 30, 33–36;
wolverine in, 171–73. See also Birds;
Animals: categorization of, 19–20; in cave
paintings of Chauvet, 7; culture and, 2,
195; extinction of, 2–3; factory farm, 82;
fish as, 3, 120–21; habitats of, 64;
hierarchy of, 31, 36, 55, 85; human
boundaries with, 193; in Norton
Anthology of Poetry, 4; threat to, 2–3.
See also Human-animal distinction
Animals, as poetry category, 22, 202n26;
“Address to the Beasts” by, 59–60; “The
Animals of That Country” by, 62–64;
“The Bear” (Frost) and, 62; comic
commentary on humanity and, 61–62;
community and, 25; Dickey and, 67–69;
divinity and, 70–71; “For the Animals”
and, 71–72; “Four Questions Regarding
the Dreams of Animals” and, 72–73;
human error and, 62; Inuit culture and,
56; “The Monkeys” and, 65–67; moral
consideration and, 52; “Natural
Linguistics” and, 59, 60; “The Peace of
Wild Things” and, 58–59; “Rime of the
Ancient Mariner” and, 57–58, 69, 71,
124; “Song of Myself ” and, 60–61;
“Talking to Mice” and, 59; “To Christ
Our Lord” and, 69–70, 73; “To the
Unseeable Animal” and, 70;
unknowable and, 71–73; “White-Tailed

Hornet” and, 62. See also Community,
animals as
“Animals, The” (Lehmann): animal
companions in, 79–81; wild and
domesticated animals in, 81–82
Animal slaughter: “The Cows on
Killing Day” and, 82, 165–66; in The
Lives of Animals, 166–67; “Pigs” and,
“Animals of That Country, The”
(Atwood), 62; categorization paradox
in, 64; Old and New World culture in,
Animal studies: absence of poetry in, 3–4;
boundaries between human and animal
in, 5; critical analysis and, 13; cultural
theory and, 6; Elizabeth Costello on, 4,
13–14; human-animal distinction in, 5;
interdisciplinary, 2; in philosophy, 4,
7–8; taxonomy and, 18
Anthropomorphism, 52, 193, 198n24;
allegory and, 27–28, 51; Calarco on, 11;
classical forms of, 31; extreme, 27–28;
in fables, 29; in “For the Animals,”
71–72; individual animal poetry and,
126; Malamud and, 11; “The Nun’s
Priest’s Tale” and, 37; in “Out of the
Cradle Endlessly Rocking,” 133; “The
Sparrow” and, 143–45; speaking
animals and, 167; Stewart on, 9, 10;
subjectivity and, 6
Anticruelty laws, 47
Ape: “Ape,” 190–91; “Ape and Coffee,”
“Ape” (Edson), 190–91
“Ape and Coffee” (Edson), 189–90
Aristotle, 55
Armstrong, Philip, 70–71; on Hughes, 113;
on therio-primitivism, 67
“Ars Poetica: A Found Poem” (Kumin), 146
Atkins, Elizabeth: on literal animal poetry,
1–2, 4; “Man and Animals in Recent
Poetry” by, 1–2

Animal poetry (cont.)

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