HWM Singapore — May 2017

(lily) #1

48 +:0 | MAY 2017

With this image, Triston was on a short getaway with his wife at Krabi, Thailand.
They decided to take a stroll along the Ao Nang beach during sunset and
Triston took a picture of his wife as she took off on a short jog. Can you see her
jogging in the foreground?
Normally, we would expose for the sky to preserve the highlights, leaving the
foreground severely underexposed. The dynamic range of the scene is simply
too great for the camera to capture in a single exposure, so Triston’s ÷ rst step
in Lightroom was to lower the Highlights and increase Shadow details in the
Basic panel.
Next, he targeted the dark region in the tone curves panel and push the
curve upwards slightly. This helps to bring out some of the details hidden in the
foreground, like the silhouette of his wife and the sandy beach.
After that, he utilized one of his favorite tools in Lightroom - the Graduated
Filter – to bring out more tonality in the sky, the sea and the beach. Triston
added a richer blue to the sky, more orange to the sunset, and warmer tones to
the beach by adjusting the exposure, contrast and the saturation, then letting
the Graduated Filter apply these changes across the image.
See how the Graduated Filter overlay starts from a strong red and gradually
fades off to invisible? This signi÷ es how much it affects the selected region. And
that’s how Triston edited the image to reø ect what he remembers seeing.

HACK #2:







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