Samsung Galaxy the Complete Manual 14th Edition

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Android Wear

Get all of your Galaxy’s notifi cations sent to your
smartwatch – even when you leave it at home

View your Galaxy on your wrist
Smartwatches are all the rage right now, so you’ll be glad to hear
there are lots of models that work with your Galaxy device.
The most popular smartwatches run a system called Android
Wear. These come in a wide variety of designs, with a choice of
circular or square watch faces and diff erent watch straps, but all
work similar to your Galaxy’s Google Now assistant.
When set up, messages and notifi cations from your device will be
sent to the watch as easy-to-understand information cards. Read on
to fi nd out more about how your Wear works in conjunction with
your Samsung Galaxy.

Get the companion app
However, Android Wear
watches can’t access
Wi-Fi in the
manner, so without
connecting it to
your device, your
smartwatch can’t do
much more than a
digital watch. To set
up this connection,
you will need to
install the Android
Wear app on your
device. From within
this app, you can then
connect your Galaxy with
your smartwatch via Bluetooth.
Once this connection is set up,

Receive messages
View your messages and app notifications
with a flick of your wrist
Set reminders
Dictate reminders to the watch and receive
alerts about your appointments
Check the weather
Glance the weather forecast for the day
ahead when wake up in the morning
Track your fitness
Keep track of your activity and get updates
about your step count and heart rate
Play music offline
Store your favourite songs to your watch for
when your Galaxy’s not around
Get directions
Provided your watch and Galaxy have Wi-Fi,
get turn-by-turn navigation to places

You’ll use it to...

Fig 2 (right) View all of your Galaxy’s
updates on your wrist, so you can respond
to messages and notifications more easily

Fig 1 (below) To give your smartwatch
internet access, install the free Android
Wear app from the Google Play Store

The apps Android Wear

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