Samsung Galaxy the Complete Manual 14th Edition

(sharon) #1

Google Play The apps

TV shows as well. The service is pretty similar to the likes of Netfl ix
but prices can be slightly cheaper depending on the movies that
take your fancy. Once you’ve rented a movie you will have access to
it for 24 hours, after which you will need to pay again to be able to
watch. TV shows can be purchased per episode or per season.
Every purchase is tied directly to your Google account, meaning
that you’ll have access to it on any device that is also linked with
the same account. Quality is great and if you’re lucky enough to
have a Samsung device with a Super AMOLED screen then your
movie-viewing experience will be even better. If you’re interested in
getting the latest movies on your phone or tablet, look no further
than the Play Movies hub where you’ll fi nd the history of Tinseltown
right at your fi ngertips.

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