Samsung Galaxy the Complete Manual 14th Edition

(sharon) #1

The apps Messaging

Notifi cations, signatures and spam
There are other settings you can make to help you get more from
your messages. On the main Messaging screen tap the Menu
button beneath the screen and then select Settings. Then scroll
down the screen to see the full range of settings available (Fig 3).
You can request a delivery report so you can be absolutely certain
your message has arrived at the other end, and you can even get a
notifi cation when the message has been opened by the recipient.
You can also make a range of settings to notify when you have
received an SMS, including repeating incoming message alerts,
setting a ringtone notifi cation and getting a preview of a message
on the notifi cations bar at the top of your device’s screen. That’s
useful if you don’t want to go into the Messaging app to get the

a message
You’ve got 160
characters for
each message,
and you can see a
countdown here

Predictive text
It can be faster to tap the
word you want when it
appears here rather than
type the whole thing

To o ls
Access tools like
handwriting and speech
recognition here

All your recipients are
listed in this area at the
top of the screen

Fig 3 (above) You can make sophisticated
settings for managing text messages and
tailoring the app to suit your needs

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