Groovy for Domain-specific Languages - Second Edition

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Example DSL – GeeTwitter

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We can write a neat auto-follow script. In the following example, we will use
eachFollower to apply a closure to each of our followers. The closure method
determines if we are already a friend of this follower simply by using the Groovy
collections any, and follows the follower if we are not:

// Auto follow
eachFollower { follower ->
// If any of my friends is this follower
if (twitter.friends.any { friend ->
friend.screenName == follower
// Otherwise follow him
println "Following ${follower}"
follow(twitter, follower)

Twitter throws an exception if we try to follow a user that we are already following.
In the Auto follow closure shown in the previous code snippet, we first checked to
see if any of our friends is a follower before trying to follow him or her.

Groovy searching

In the same vein, we can also add a search method taking a closure:

void search(terms, Closure c) {
def query = new Query(terms) {,it.text)

We can pass a closure to the search method in order to print out the details of the
tweets that we find:

// Print all recent tweets about Groovy and DSL
search ("Groovy DSL") { from, tweet ->
println from + " : " + tweet
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