Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 13 ■ 3D MoDel ShaDer Creation: USing the JavaFX 9 phongMaterial ClaSS

Creating Your Game Board Square Diffuse Texture: Using GIMP

Let’s get some of our game board square design done during this chapter, so in the next chapter all we have
to do is to design the center of the board, create the perimeter squares, and color shift the image to create a
delineation for the squares from each other. We will do this in GIMP using the same approach that we used
earlier in this chapter, with the same 32x256 stripes, only this time the four stripes will be located around the
perimeter of the game board square. We’ll use RGB 255,0,0 (pure red) so we can color shift this value with
the algorithms in GIMP.
Open your multilayer GIMP XCF file, right-click the top layer, and use the New ➤ Layer menu item
to create an empty transparent layer. Turn all of the visibility (eye) icons in the other layers, other than the
white Background layer, off. Set Layer name to GameBoardTile. Make sure to select this layer so it turns
blue to show GIMP where to apply your next image creation “moves” (operations).
Select your Rectangle Select Tool, shown depressed near the top-middle of Figure 13-22. Rectangle
Select Tool options will appear, underneath the tool icons, as shown at the bottom middle of the figure,
where you can (again) precisely (pixel accurately) set the Position and Size settings of your selections.

Figure 13-22. Use the same Rectangle Select technique we used earlier in the chapter to create a game board

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