Chapter 1 ■ the Different faCes of Java: Create a Java 9 Development Workstation
Click on the Next button to begin the default (full) installation, and you will get the NetBeans IDE 9
License Agreement dialog, shown in the top middle of Figure 1-11. Select the “I accept the terms in the
license agreement” checkbox, shown circled in red, and click the Next button, to advance to the NetBeans
IDE Build Installation dialog, shown on the right side of Figure 1-11. The third dialog specifies the install
location in the Program Files directory, and also specifies the JDK to use for Java development. Notice that
NetBeans 9 is smart enough to pick Java 9 over Java 8 (you have installed both, as you can have more than
one Java version installed on any given workstation), and defines what version of Java you will be developing
games for (this used to have to be set manually inside NetBeans). Leave these at their default setting, and
click the Next button to advance to the Summary dialog, shown in the lower-left in Figure 1-11. Be sure to
leave Check for Updates selected, so that NetBeans 9 will automatically update itself.
Once you click on the Install button, NetBeans will install the base IDE as can be seen in the bottom-
middle dialog in Figure 11-1, showing you what it is doing via a progress bar and extracted files text
underneath it. When the setup is complete, you will get a Setup Complete dialog, which will give you the
checkbox option to “Contribute to the NetBeans project by providing anonymous usage data.” I chose to
select this option, to help the NetBeans developers.
One final step, which you should do for all of the various game development and game asset
development software packages which we will be installing in this first chapter, is to test the installation by
launching the software to make sure that it runs.
This is done by finding the software icon on your desktop (double-click desktop icons to launch them)
or in your Taskbar (called a Quick Launch icon, which only requires a single click to launch) and launching
the software. In the case of NetBeans 9 IDE, the result should look like Figure 1-12 on the left hand side.
Figure 1-11. Accept the terms of the license agreement, click the Next button (left) and do the same for JUnit