Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 18 ■ 3D Gameplay DesiGn: CreatinG your Game Content usinG Gimp anD Java

Since this is a low-resolution image, we’re going to use 689 (height) as your dimension for the square,
so use the Rectangle Select tool and enter a 689, 689 Size square at Position 428,0, as shown on the left of
Figure 18-18.

Use the Edit ➤ Copy menu sequence to copy this data to your OS’s Clipboard and then use the GIMP
File ➤ Create from Clipboard menu sequence to paste the square image data into its own editing tab, as
shown in Figure 18-19. Use the Image ➤ Scale Image menu sequence and scale the 689 pixel data down
to 192 pixels. Then use the Image ➤ Canvas Size menu sequence and access the Set Image Canvas Size
dialog, shown in Figure 18-19. Expand the image canvas size to 256 pixels square while also centering the
image data in the middle of transparency by using the Center button in the dialog. Remember to select
Resize Layers All in the Layers drop-down or right-click to invoke Layer to Image Size after the Resize
operation has been applied to the image.

Figure 18-18. Create a 689x689 pixel square for the image since it’s not an HD | UHD image with thousands
of pixels

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