Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 18 ■ 3D Gameplay DesiGn: CreatinG your Game Content usinG Gimp anD Java

GIMP does a pretty good job of showing you visually what is going on in your work process if you look at
its UI closely. You can also customize the UI by choosing different preview icon sizes and naming the layers
with your own informative (descriptive) text labels.
To change the layer icon preview size, which I’m going to do a bit later in the chapter, use the tiny arrow
at the top right of the Layers palette, next to your Brush Editor tab and above the Mode (Normal) drop-down
selector arrow. You can select Preview Size ➤ Tiny through Preview Size ➤ Gigantic, giving you eight
different icon size choices.
Now that you have created your 192-pixel game board square insert, as shown in Figure 18-20, you’ll
need to use an Edit ➤ Undo work process to get back to the 689x689 original image square so that you can
create a game board quadrant version for each game board square. We’ll be doing that next so we can create
the quadrant texture.
Once a player selects one of the five game board squares in the randomly selected quadrant, your Java
code (eventually) will put the selected question image into the game board quadrant and ask the player
questions about it.
To get back to the 689-pixel square image, select the tab in GIMP containing the square image data
and use the Edit ➤ Undo menu sequence to undo all of your selection, canvas resizing, and image scaling
operations that you previously applied to create the layer data for use in your 256-pixel game board square
diffuse color texture map.

Figure 18-20. Paste your 256-pixel image plus transparency under your GameBoardSquare1 edge coloring
texture layer

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