Chapter 18 ■ 3D Gameplay DesiGn: CreatinG your Game Content usinG Gimp anD Java
Notice in Figure 18-25 that I have made the layer image preview icons larger so that you can see what
I am doing with the game board square 2 imagery, border decoration color, and so on, with greater detail.
This also might be necessary if you are working on one of the new UHD (4K) displays, as everything will look
a bit smaller (unless the UHD display is 60 inches or larger, that is). Most of my UHD desktop displays are 43
inches because these are affordable.
Next, let’s take a look at how you have to rotate the image content 45 degrees in GameSquare3.xcf
(corner) and how you have to rotate your image content 90 degrees for GameSquare4.xcf and GameSquare5.
xcf so it faces out away from the game board, just like the content in squares 1 and 2 does.
As you can see in Figure 18-26, the digital image content inside of the colored square perimeter
decoration for the third (and eighth, thirteenth, and eighteenth) game board corner square will need to be
rotated clockwise 45 degrees, just like the game board quadrant texture maps. This will make the digital
image content face the players after each game board spin.
Figure 18-25. Create a GameSquare2.xcf compositing file with a red-orange border and image assets to use
for square 2