Chapter 18 ■ 3D Gameplay DesiGn: CreatinG your Game Content usinG Gimp anD Java
Figure 18-29. Add the quadrant 1 texture maps to the quadrant 2 Java code and test the texture map
Figure 18-28 shows six diffuse texture maps rendered on the game board using a Run ➤ Project work
As you can see in Figure 18-29, you will need to adjust the work process that you learned during this
chapter (as far as the rotate value) for each quadrant of the game board. As long as you test your texture
maps as you go along, as you learned during the chapter, this shouldn’t be a problem whatsoever and will
give you some practice with GIMP.
You will get a lot of practice with the work processes described during this chapter while creating your
own custom digital image content. GIMP is an amazing software package with a new version coming out
soon that meets, and in some cases exceeds, features found in expensive digital image compositor software
In this eighteenth chapter, we learned more about the work processes in GIMP that are needed to create
the massive amount of game content that we will need to create a professional-level educational game for
preschool children, the autistic, and the learning impaired. I showed you the work process to complete
enough content for the first quadrant to be able to develop the random content selection Java code that we
will be developing in the next chapter. You can then use this same work process to develop the content for
your other three game board quadrants.
You learned about how to get free-for-commercial-use content from, how to copy that to the
OS clipboard, and how to use the Create ➤ From Clipboard feature to open it in a tab in GIMP. You learned
how to make square image data for use in game board quadrant and squares texture maps, as well as how to
center it, crop it, and rotate it.
In Chapter 19 , we are going to actually develop the Java code to implement more gameplay and the
game content that you learned how to create during this chapter so that we can make some progress toward
finishing your MouseEvent handling code (during Chapter 19 ) for the game board squares and game board