Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1

javafx.scene.input, 241–242
java.util, 240–241
KeyCode, 242–243
KeyEvent, 243–244
MouseEvent, 584
reset, 588–593
UI design
.setBackground(), 247
.setImage(), 247
TextFlow, 249, 251–253


GameBoard texturing
code reconfiguration, 334, 336
GIMP, 337–340
Game components
collision detection, 78
custom gameplay logic, 79
3D models, role-playing style gaming, 78
2D sprites, arcade-style gaming, 77
physics simulation, 79
Game design assets, 30
Game engines
dyn4j engine, 81
JavaFX-IK library, 82
Jbox2D, 81
JBullet, 81
Jinngine, 82
JMonkey, 80
JRoboOp, 82
Gameplay AI logic, 82
dynamic games, 84
hybrid games, 84–85
static games, 83
GIMP, 18–19, 326–328
GameBoard texturing, 337–338, 340
Group class, 193–194


Hiding UI, 283
High Definition (HD), 42
Hybrid games, 84


i3D board game, 625
i3D Shader properties. See PhongMaterial class
if-else loop, 116
if loop, 116
ImageView object

digital image, 214
Image class, 213–214
ImageView Class, 214–216
Indexed-color imagery, 620–622
Inheritance, 125–126
Inkscape, 17–18
Insets class, 190–191
Integrated Development Environment (IDE), 1
Interactive 2D assets
color fills, gradients, and patterns, 56
vector lines and spline curves, 55–56
vertices, model reference origin, pivot point,
and dummy point, 54–55
Interactive 3D assets, vector content
character animation, 67
3D geometry
3D Vertex, 57
edges bridge 3D vertices, 58
face surface normals, 59–60
polygons, 58
smoothing group, 60–61
surface creation, 58
2D texture mapping concepts
channels, shading, effects, and UVW
coordinates, 62–63
cylindrical projection, 64
shader channels and language, 63–64
texture map projection types, 64
JavaFX 3D support
points, polygons, mesh, transforms, and
shading, 69–70
timeline, keyframe, keyvalue, and
interpolator, 70
linear animation, 65–66
nonlinear animation, 66–67
procedural animation, 68
Interface, 126–127

Java 9, 128
defined, 128
explicit, automatic/unnamed, 129
Game Module creation, 131–132
JavaFX Modules, 129–130
security measures, 132
strong encapsulation, 131
Java class structure, 187
Java Development Kit (JDK), 1
Java 9 development workstation
Java SE 9–10
JDK-9u45 install file, 8
JRE installation, 11
preparation, 4–6
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