Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1



createQAnodes(), 527–528
createBoardGameNodes(), 515
createQAnodes(), 517
3D Scene, 514
gameButton.setOnAction(), 524–525
SceneGraph, 521
setFont(), 522–523
setOnFinished(), 525–526
setText(), 520
setTranslateZ(), 519
setupQSgameplay(), 529, 531
Quadrants and spinner
createMaterials(), 372
3D UI, 380–383
image object declarations, 369
loadImageAssets(), 371
resolution, 383–385, 387
StackOverflow, 379–380
texture maps
color texture, 372–373, 375–376
createGameBoardNodes(), 376–379
Quick Launch Icons, 28


Random spin tracker
empty methods
calculateQuadrantLanding(), 467, 469–470
createSceneProcessing(), 467
populateQuadrant(), 466
remainder operator, 468
Rectangle Select technique, 337
Reference data types, 109
Remainder operator, 468
resetTextureMaps() method, 482–483, 485, 596–598
Rosegarden MIDI, 25


Scene Graph, 53
addNodesToSceneGraph(), 199–205
core functionality, 163
timeline, 164
transition, 164
pulse engine, 166–168
pulse synchronization, 166
timeline/transition, 165
API, 152
Beans, 181

business charting, 181
camera, 158
cursor, 158
dimension and background color, 155–156
event, 180
fieldOfView, 159
FXML, 181
geometry, 179
JavaFXGame (see JavaFXGame class)
JVM, 153
LightBase, 158
media control, 181
parent nodes, 157–158
primary function, 160
Print, 181
SceneAntialiasing, 159
stage, 168–169
.setTitle(), 170
transparency, 172–175, 177
Swing, 181
testing, 208–209
UI control, 205–208
UI design, 188–189
UI elements, 180
WebView, 181
Scoreboard UI design
createQAprocessing(), 561–562, 564
createScoreNodes() (see createScoreNodes()
qaLayout StackPane, 546, 548
SceneGraph, 569
score testing, 570, 572
scoreButton.setOnAction(), 265
createSceneProcessing(), 487
selectQSgameplay() (see OnMouseClick() event
Self-illumination mapping, 333
.setCamera() method
PerspectiveCamera object declaration, 272
.setNearClip(), 271
.setTranslateX(), 274
.setTranslateY(), 274
.setTranslateZ(), 271, 276
StackPane location, 273, 275
setupQSgameplay() method
createQAprocessing(), 576
Q1S1, 577
Q1S2, 578, 580
Q2S1, 581
Q2S5, 581–582
Q4S1, 582
Shader definition, 63
Shape3D cullFace property, 307–309
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