
(WallPaper) #1

where users, producers and scientists will form
a partnership for the development of simple
assays (‘user-friendly tests’) to assess shipment
accuracy and to test performance of selected
biological control agents. For the first time, cus-
tomers will monitor the quality of the biocon-
trol agents at their final destination. This will
maintain constructive dialogue on quality
assurance between users and suppliers of bio-
control agents and will lead to the improve-
ment of the quality of the product and efficacy
of biocontrol programmes. The ASTM subcom-
mittee has expressed interest in including these
user tests in standards as well.


Lee Anne Merrill and Sinthya Penn initi-
ated and compiled most of the product-
profile project. Glenn Scriven reformatted
the profiles to their present form and
entered them on the internet. Norman
Leppla provided ideas, inspiration and
interpretation from the inception of the
ANBP and its quality assurance efforts up
to the present. The NBCI contributed three
annual grants during 1999, 2000 and 2001
for the start-up phase of the new ASTM
subcommittee E35.30.

214 C.S. Glenister et al.

Table 14.1.ASTM standards in progress.

ASTM E35.30 task groups

Species Activity start Status November 2001

Goniozus legneri 22 April 1999 3rd draft
Feltiella acarisuga 15 May 1999 3rd draft
Podisus maculiventris 22 April 1999 3rd draft
Chrysoperla rufilabris 4 Oct. 1998 2nd draft
Galendromus occidentalis 22 April 1999 1st draft
Trichogramma brassicae 12 June 1998 3rd draft
Trichogramma pretiosum 4 Oct. 1998 With above
Phytoseiulus persimilis 12 June 1998 Ratified
Cryptolaemus montrouzieri 12 June 1998 5th draft – to ballot
Encarsia formosa 4 Oct. 1998 Ratified
Eretmocerus eremicus 22 April 1999 5th draft
Aphidoletes aphidimyza 22 April 1999 2nd draft
Entomophagous nematodes, label specification 30 Aug. 1999 1st draft
Entomophagous nematodes, counting method 30 Aug. 1999 1st draft
Hypoaspis miles 30 Oct. 1999 1st draft
Dicyphus hesperus 30 Oct. 1999
Delphastus catalinae 30 Oct. 1999
Information specification 31 Mar. 2000 Ratified
Terminology specification 31 Mar. 2001 1st draft – to ballot


Luczynski, A. and Caddick, G. (2000) Assessing Accuracy of Shipments of P. persimilis andE. formosa and
Field Performance of E. formosa. Technical Report 99-09, British Columbia Greenhouse Vegetable
Research Council, 28 pp.
Penn, S.L., Ridgway, R.L., Scriven, G.T. and Inscoe, M.N. (1998) Quality assurance by the commercial pro-
ducer of arthropod natural enemies. In: Ridgway, R.L., Hoffman, M.P., Inscoe, M.N. and Glenister,
C.S. (eds)Mass-reared Natural Enemies: Application, Regulation and Needs. Proceedings of Thomas Say
Publications in Entomology, Entomological Society of America, Lanham, Maryland, pp. 202–227.
Ridgway, R.L., Hoffman, M.P., Inscoe, M.N. and Glenister, C.S. (eds) (1998) Mass-reared Natural Enemies:
Application, Regulation and Needs. Proceedings of Thomas Say Publications in Entomology,
Entomological Society of America, Lanham, Maryland.

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