
(WallPaper) #1
Quality Control Guidelines for Biocontrol Agents 273

data from females that have died accidentally or got lost during the
test period.

Designers and coordinators: M. Mosti and J. Vermeulen (provisional test).

Aphelinus abdominalisDalman (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) Provisional test

Test conditions
Temperature: 22 ± 2°C
RH: 75 ± 5%
Light regime: 16L : 8D

Quality control criteria (for adults or mummies)
Quantity The number of live adults and/or mummies as specified on the label.
Adult mortality < 10% per package; n= 300, based on sample from three containers;
batch-wise or weekly
Emergence rate the number of live adults that should emerge from the package as
specified by the manufacturer. A minimum of three containers
should be counted. Emergence rate 75% within 12 days (n= 300).
A weekly or batch-wise test.
Sex ratio 40% female, n= 300, batch-wise or weekly.
Fecundity 10 eggs per female during 2 days, n= 30; annual test.

Description of testing methods
Quantity and Specify the number that should emerge from the mummies. Put the
emergence mummies with the carrier material in a ventilated container. Run the
test for a maximum of 12 days. For calculating the emergence rate,
count the total number of mummies in the container and calculate
the per cent emergence according to the formula: (no. of adult
wasps/no. of mummies) 100.
Sex ratio Mix all the adult wasps from the emergence test. Take a sample of
300 adults and put them on transparent tape. Use a magnification of
. Count the number of female wasps. Females have a yellow
abdomen with an ovipositor (small stripe over the middle of the
abdomen). Males are usually smaller and have a slightly darker
abdomen with a small point at the end. At the end of this small point
a little thread can be seen (see Fig. 19.5).
Fecundity Put an ample amount of black mummies that are close to
Leaf discs on agar emergence in a container. Put some droplets of honey in the
Day 0 container or on the gauze. Put the container in a climate room tem-
perature (T = 22°C).
Preparing the bio-assay. The bio-assay tray consists of a round
plastic petri-dish tray with a lid that can be closed tightly (diameter
77 mm; height 31 mm; Bock, Art. Nr. 41113). A piece of gauze is incor-
porated into the lid for ventilation. Pour 1 cm of water agar (1%) into
the tray and cool to 30°C. Just before it solidifies, an aubergine leaf
disc or a few tomato leaf discs are put upside down on the agar. It is
very important to use a fresh leaf with maximal turgor; otherwise the
lifespan of the leaf will be too short for the test period (11 days). It is
best to pick leaves early in the morning. Put 30 adult Macrosiphum
euphorbiae on to the leaf, using a fine brush. Place the Petri dishes

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