From these data, the following descriptive
parameters can be computed: (i) n= 30;
(ii)x–= 64.97 eggs; (iii) median = 64.5 eggs;
(iv) range = 70 eggs; (v) variance = 263.48;
(vi)SD= 16.23 eggs; and (vii) SE= 2.96 eggs.
Figure 20.1 shows a histogram presenting
the full distribution.
Describing a Sample with One Trait
Expressed as a Percentage
When the trait is a percentage, several statis-
tical parameters have to be quantified in
order to summarize the main features of the
population from which the sample was
drawn. In this case, the percentage measured
corresponds to the proportion of the obser-
vations of the sample showing a given char-
acteristic (e.g. proportion of individuals that
are females: sex ratio). Four descriptive sta-
tistics have to be computed:
- The total number of individuals for which
the percentage was determined: N- The number of individuals showing the
characteristic of interest: x - The percentage itself:
- Its standard error: SE
- The number of individuals showing the
In this case, both the percentage and its
standard error have to be provided for an
accurate description of the sample. Here also
a graphic representation can be made and
often a pie chart is enough (see below).
Working example: sex ratio of Trichogramma
In a population of 500 T. brassicae, 163 wasps
were males and 337 were females. So the sex
ratio (% females) was: 337/500 = 0.674 (i.e.
67.4% females), and its standard error was
(i.e. 2.1% females). Figure 20.2 shows the pie
chart corresponding to this data set.
{0 674 1 0 674 500 0 021../.×−( )} =
pp×−( )
308 E. Wajnberg
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Female’s fecundity
Fig. 20.1.Frequency distribution of the data collected to quantify the fecundity of mated T.brassicae