Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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140 chapter 3

Liquid kelp or seaweed is created by
processing sea kelp at cool temperatures. It’s rich
in many trace minerals and amino acids and is
a source of several plant hormones known to aid
in shoot and root growth, improve soil structure,
and increase hardiness and fruit development.
Research has shown that liquid kelp is adept at
increasing yields and drought resistance. It’s one
of the least expensive yet most highly beneficial
liquid fertilizers. Liquid kelp can also be applied in
combination with any of the other products listed
below, with very little chance of fertilizer burn.
Fish emulsion is made when whole fish is
cooked and filtered. Before the finished fertilizer
emulsion is created, the oils and proteins are
removed for use in other products, leaving the
resulting fertilizer bereft of many of the amino
acids, vitamins, and hormones most beneficial to
plant growth. Still, fish emulsion is a good natural
alternative to chemical water-soluble fertilizers,

albeit a smelly one. Because the aroma of fish
emulsion is so strong, it’s wise to use it only in the
mornings, so the odor has time to dissipate before
nightfall. Otherwise, every raccoon and cat in the
neighborhood will happily dig up your containers
in search of dead fish.
Fish hydroslate (or liquid fish) is another, less
odorous form of fish-based fertilizer. Instead of
cooking the fish, they’re digested with enzymes
at cooler temperatures to make hydroslate
products. Then, the partially dissolved fish are
ground up and liquefied, resulting in a nutrient-
rich fertilizer containing many trace minerals.
The fish used in hydroslate products come
from either commercial fishing by-catch, or are
the byproducts of the fish-farming industry.
The enzymes used in the creation process
also help break down the fishy odor and some
manufacturers even add mint and other essential
oils to help mask the smell, but it’s still a good
idea to use fish hydroslates in
the morning.
Compost tea is getting a lot
of attention these days for its
ability to nurture beneficial soil
life, suppress certain diseases,
and stimulate optimum plant
growth. But the compost
tea of old, created simply by
steeping some compost in
water for a few days, isn’t
what it’s cracked up to be. The
anaerobic conditions of bucket
steeping can lead to some
pretty funky concoctions.
Today’s compost tea is
aerated. Air is pumped through
the water as a blend of quality
compost and a microbial food

Liquid kelp or seaweed is an
excellent fertilizer for container-
grown plants.

Fish emulsions and fish hydroslate
products are nutrient-rich, but
they often have a bad odor.

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Caring for Your Containers 141

source (often unsulphured molasses) brews to
perfection. The tea is finished and ready to use a
few days later. High-quality compost tea is teeming
with beneficial microbes, adept at boosting soil and
plant health and fighting off foliar diseases. Making
compost tea is an involved process, but it’s not a
difficult one. You’ll find plenty of information and
how-to instructions on various websites devoted to
the topic.
Companies that brew compost tea for purchase
are popping up in cities across the country, but
because the tea needs to be used a few hours after
the brewing process is complete, this may prove to
be a difficult business model.
Worm tea is a variation of compost tea. It is
created in the same way, using a homemade or
commercial brewing system. But instead of using
regular compost, this tea is made from worm
castings. The resulting liquid is nearly odorless,
rich in a diversity of beneficial microbial life, and
perfect for watering containers and houseplants.
Worm tea is especially good if you have your own
worm bin and have a regular source of castings.
The above products are useful on their own,
but they’re also quite valuable when combined
with other ingredients. Natural liquid fertilizer
combination products blend the products
described above with ingredients such as liquid
bone meal, blood meal, feather meal, and rock
phosphate to create a well-rounded fertilizer and
growth stimulant.
When using any natural liquid fertilizer, follow
label instructions for mixing rates and application

instructions. Generally, most liquid fertilizers are
applied either by mixing the product in a watering
can and watering by hand, or by using a hose-end
fertilizer distribution system to automatically
deliver the fertilizer with the irrigation water.
Liquid fertilizers are best absorbed when the
plants growing in your containers are not under
stress. Do not fertilize your plants when they’re
wilting or suffering from heat stress. Water
them first, a few hours before fertilizing them, to
maximize their absorption of nutrients.
Though overdoing natural liquid fertilizers
is seldom possible in terms of plant health,
overdoing it can be hard on the budget. Don’t use
more than you need. Most liquid fertilizers should
be applied every 2 to 4 weeks throughout the
growing season.

Hose-end sprayers are a great way to deliver liquid
fertilizers with irrigation water. Some brands, such as
this one, come with the hose-end sprayer attached to a
siphon bottle, but reusable hose-end sprayers are also
available at most garden centers and hardware stores.

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