Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
#175 Dtp: 229 Page: 148

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
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STEP 1 Flip the trashcan upside down and hammer the
awl through the bottom of the can in eight to ten places
to create drainage holes. Turn the can back over and
locate it where it will receive eastern or southeastern
exposure on its front.

STEP 2 Place an upturned, empty 5-gallon bucket in
the bottom of the trashcan. This will fill up some of the
space and reduce the amount of potting soil/compost
blend you’ll need.

STEP 3 Stick one end of the 2x4 down into the can,
propping it vertically between the 5-gallon bucket and
the wall of the trashcan. Fill the can three-quarters
of the way to the top with the potting soil blend,
straightening the 2x4, if necessary.

STEP 4 Carefully slide the plants out of their pots and
arrange them in the can, keeping the taller plants
closest to the 2x4 and the shorter plants along the
outer edge of the can. Once happy with the placement
of plants, loosen any pot-bound roots and fill the
spaces in between the plants with more potting mix
until the container is filled to within an inch of the top.
Leave a small, empty space somewhere close to the
front edge of the can. Lay the brick in this space.


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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
#175 Dtp: 229 Page: 148

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STEP 5 Build the bee nesting block by gluing the three
pieces of 2x6 in. lumber together with wood glue. Allow
the glue to dry for several hours, then drill holes into
one cut end of the blocks, perpendicular to the wood’s
grain. To encourage diversity, alternate hole sizes by
using both the^5 ⁄ 16 -in. drill bit and the^7 ⁄ 16 -in. drill bit to
make holes approximately 4 to 5 in. deep, spaced about

(^3) ⁄ 4 in. apart. Do not drill all the way through the block
as bees prefer to nest in closed-end tunnels. Place
the drilled nesting block on top of the brick positioned
among the plants. Make sure the holes are not blocked
by any vegetation.
STEP 6 Next, lay the piece of burlap on the ground
and place the bundle of bamboo stakes in the center
of it. Use a pair of sharp pruners to cut the stakes to
approximately 2 ft. in length. Use the wire cutters to
cut two 18-in.-long pieces of aluminum hobby wire.
Wrap the wire around the bamboo stakes, one close to
each end, to fasten them into a secure bundle. Roll the
burlap around the center of the bundle and use a piece
of natural jute twine to secure it in place.
STEP 7 Fasten the burlap-wrapped bundle of bamboo
stakes to the top of the 2x4, using more jute twine.
Make sure the stakes are parallel to the ground and
fairly level. If any of the cut ends of the bamboo pieces
are blocked with dried bamboo pulp, use the awl to
clear out the debris and give the bees better access.
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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
#175 Dtp: 229 Page: 149
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
#175 Dtp: 229 Page: 148
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