Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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86 chapter 2

Tropical Plants
Tropical plants are species native to tropical
regions. They are well-adapted to warm and
humid environments, though with the right care,
tropical plants can be grown almost everywhere.
Tropical plants are not winter hardy except in very
warm climates, and they often have large leaves
to maximize sunlight exposure. Many houseplants
are foliage tropicals that happen to be adaptable
enough to thrive indoors.
In addition to large leaves, many tropical
plants have brightly colored flowers with a
heavy fragrance or exotic forms and shapes, all
designed by nature to tempt and lure very specific
pollinators. Tropical forests offer a wealth of
plants with unique attributes perfectly suited to
container gardens.

Because of their beauty and uncommonness,
tropical plants are a bit pricier than most garden
plants. They require optimal care, so greenhouses
charge a premium price for these beauties, but
you shouldn’t let that stop you from growing
them, if you’re willing to put forth a little effort.
They aren’t winter hardy, but most tropical plants
are easily overwintered either in a dormant state
or as houseplants. I delve into exactly how to
accomplish this in Chapter 5.
The following chart features ten of my favorite
tropical plants that thrive in containers. Because
each of these plants is big and bold and beautiful,
tropicals are perfect for featured-specimen and
monoculture-style container designs, though they
also work well as the thriller in layered designs.

There are many tropical plants that do beautifully in containers. One of the most popular is the
tropical hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), which comes in dozens of dierent flower colors.

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Designing and Planting Your Containers 87

Recommended Tropical Plants

Tropical hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-

Flowers 3 to 10 ft. Full sun to part

Large, disc-shaped flowers come
in many different colors; each
flower lasts only one day; tree or
shrub forms.
Gardenia Gardenia

Flowers 4 to 6 ft. Part shade Fragrant, pure white flowers
on dark, glossy foliage; look for
cultivars with double-petaled
Bird of paradise Strelitzia reginae Flowers
and foliage

3 to 4 ft. Full sun to part

Broad, gray-green, stiff, upright
leaves; orange and purple flowers
resemble plumage on a bird’s
head; excellent cut flower.
Angel’s trumpet Brugmansia spp. Flowers 4 to 8 ft. Full sun Huge, pendulous, trumpet-shaped
flowers hang from the tree-like
plants; highly fragrant flowers can
be white, yellow, peach, or pink.
Frangipani Plumeria spp. Flowers 10 to 15 ft. Full sun to part

Fragrant flowers pollinated by
moths; keep plants on the dry
side; flowers can be white, yellow,
pink, or peach colored.
Red Abyssian


Foliage 8 to 10 ft. Full sun to part

Broad, deep red, tropical leaves.

Variegated ginger Alpinia zerumbet

and foliage

4 to 5 ft. Full sun to part

Yellow and green striped upright
leaves; fragrant white flowers.
Japanese aralia

Fatsia japonica

Foliage 4 to 5 ft. Full to partial

Glossy, lobed, dark green leaves
with creamy yellow variegation.
Stromanthe Stromanthe

Foliage 2 to 3 ft. Full shade Visually striking, variegated green
and white leaves with bright
pink undersides; impressive
plant makes a great thriller in
Variegated rubber

Ficus elastica

Foliage Up to
20 ft.

Full sun to part

Prune to maintain a shorter
height; leaves are variegated
white and pale green with striking
pink and burgundy splotches;
needs bright light if overwintering

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