Container Gardening Complete

(Tuis.) #1
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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To my son Ty,
the most amazing thing
I’ve ever grown.

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Container Gardening Complete has been one of
the most ambitious projects of my career.
I learned a lot along the way and had a heck of
a good time designing, building, growing, and
photographing all the fantastic projects. None of
it would have been possible without the help of
the great crew of professionals at Cool Springs
Press, my supportive family, an amazing group
of photogenic friends, and a rock-solid bunch of
gardening compadres. To all of you, I give a gigantic,
heart-felt thank you!
My editor, Todd Berger, deserves a big dose of
gratitude for entrusting me with this project and
handing me the reins to run with it. Thank you for
answering my many questions and for everything
you did to help this book come to fruition. It’s
been a pleasure working with you!
To my band of extremely gracious models/
friends, Brad and Greta Severson, Bobby and Lisa
Standish, Rebecca and Mike Berty, Ron Sims,
Susan Washburn, Nora Pickell, Liza Thornton,
Kelli Russo, Jackie Simpson, and Hannah Reiff,
I raise a glass to you and thank you for your
willingness to hold a prolonged pose and dig into
a project with energy and enthusiasm—and for
wearing long sleeves and pants on some very
hot days!
Also, thank you to the good folks at Garden
Dreams Urban Farm and Nursery in Wilkinsburg,
Pennsylvania, for their contribution to one of
the projects featured in this book, the Good Bug
Wheelbarrow Garden. Randy and the crew at
Soergel Orchards and Garden Center in Wexford,
Pennsylvania, deserve the same appreciation for
providing me with some of the plants and gorgeous
containers found throughout these pages.

Ron Sims was gracious enough to design and
build the two woodworking projects featured in the
first chapter—the Cedar Planter Box and the Pot
Dolly. Thank you, Ron, for your attention to detail,
your creative work, your good nature, and for
allowing me to feature your designs in these pages.
Thank you to my neighbors and friends, the
Kennedys, the Normans, the Washburns, the
Seversons, and the Bertys, for allowing me to
stage some of the photographs at your homes.
And, a big-time hats-off to the many wonderful
gardeners who let me come to their gardens and
take photographs, including Mary Odom, Anna
Singer, Jessica Carson, Robyn Macerelli, Katie
Casker, Seth and Sonja Finn, Zolina Cook, Joyce
Bolanovich, Jamie Earl, Ilona Yerger (my awesome
mom!), and the World’s Best Kitty and Garden
Sitter, Liza Thornton.
To Paul Wiegman: I’m going to thank you
forever and ever for all you did way back when
to help me develop this wonderful little career of
mine. Had you not welcomed me into the world of
radio all those years ago, things would not be as
they are today.
My fabulous business partners at, Niki Jabbour, Amy
Andrychowicz, and Tara Nolan, have my utmost
appreciation for their professionalism, humor, and
friendship. When writing a book, there’s nothing
better than having the unfailing support and well-
seasoned advice of other authors. You guys rock!
And most importantly, to my husband John
and my amazing son Ty: your inspiration, support,
and love mean the world to me. Without the two
of you, life wouldn’t be nearly as much fun. You’re
everything that matters.

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