Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
molecules. Remove all but one population of them. Similarly,
look for residues which exist in alternate conformations (ALYS,
BLYS, etc.). Select one of them for further processing, remov-
ing the rest. Also, correct partially built residues, such as surface
side-chains with atoms missing as a result of local disorder.

  1. Decide on the protonation state of residues such as HIS and
    CYS (in some cases ASP and GLU side chains may also be
    protonated). HIS becomes HID, HIE or HIP, if protonated
    in position delta, epsilon or both, respectively. Deprotonated
    cysteines and those bound to metal atoms become CYM, while
    those involved in disulphide bridges become CYX (seeNote 3).

  2. To create a disulphide bridge, use a tleap command such as
    “bond mol.X.SG mol.Y.SG”, where mol is the object holding
    the protein structure, while X and Y stand for the residue
    numbers of cysteines involved. The residue numbers typically
    start from the first number in the PDB file and continue
    sequentially through chains and all extras, such as ions
    and ligands. Type "desc mol" in tleap to see all residue num-
    berings. We use tleap rather than xleap to be independent of
    the graphical platform used, and to be able to include this
    command in batch scripts. We launch tleap on a predefined
    set of scripts (e.g., “tleap –f script.txt”). An example of a tleap
    script follows:

source leaprc.ff03 #(make sure that this is in the path of the program)
set default PBradii mbondi2 #(for affinity calculations;seeSubheading 3.7)
mol=loadpdb prot.pdb #(loads the cleaned and completed PDB file)
list #(checks the contents)
check mol #(there should be no missing parameters)
bond mol.10.SG mol.20.SG #(example of a bridge between Cys10 and Cys20)
saveamberparm mol rec.prmtop rec.inpcrd #(create topology files)
savepdb mol rec.pdb #(optionally save the new PDB file)

In the above the saveamberparm command allows keeping
the topology of the receptor, which will be needed at the
analysis stage. The script checks if the structure and topology
are correct (seeNote 4). Should this not be the case, error
messages will appear, helping to identify the source of the
problem, which should be corrected before continuing.

  1. If there are ions present in the structure (Mg2+,Zn2+,...), treat
    each as a separate residue (i.e., insert TER before and after each
    line on which an ion is placed). Change the atom and residue
    names to those recognized by the force field used, such as ff03
    in the example above (e.g., for chlorine: use "Cl–" in the fields
    of both atom and residue names).

Molecular Dynamics in Virtual Screening 151
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