Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1

2 Theory

Here we review some theoretical and methodological concepts that
underlie the use of computer simulations for the calculation of
binding free energies. We provide only a brief overview of some
key concepts and, due to the practical nature of the chapter, this
section is not meant to be exhaustive. The reader can find a more
extensive appraisal of theoretical aspects in one of the many excel-
lent reviews and textbooks written on the subject and here refer-
enced [9–13]. The book by Chipot and Pohorille [9] is particularly

2.1 Definition of
Binding Free Energy

The reversible binding of a ligand (L) to a protein (P) to form a
complex (PL) can be described by the following chemical reaction:


At equilibrium, the binding constantKbdefines the ratio of
the product and reactants concentrations in solution:


ð 1 Þ

where square brackets indicate a concentration, andcis the stan-
dard state concentration, which is typically defined as 1 mol/L.
Since this definition of standard state does not change the numeri-
cal value ofKb(as it is multiplied by one) it is customary to omitc
when discussing equilibrium constants. However, it is important to
remember that the binding constant is a dimensionless quantity
(withoutcit would have units of inverse concentration), and it is
dependent on the chosen standard state.For a single ligand binding
event,Kbis associated to the binding free energy by the following
well-known equation.

ΔGb¼kBTlnKb ð 2 Þ

wherekBis the Boltzmann constant, andTis the temperature. For a
mole of ligand, the gas constant (R¼NAkB, whereNA is the
Avogadro constant) is used instead ofkB. From the above discussion
of the standard state, it follows that the binding free energy is also
thus defined with respect to the chosen standard state.
The equilibrium constant can also be expressed as the ratio of
probabilities ðÞP for the system being in either the bound or
unbound state, so that Kb¼P 1 =P 0 , where “1” denotes the
bound (PL) state, and “0” the unbound (P+L) state. The
probability of finding the system in the bound versus unbound
state is determined by the ratio of their partition functionsQ 1 and
Q 0 , where the partition function of a system in the isothermal-
isobaric (NPT) ensemble is defined as follows.

Absolute Alchemical Free Energy 201
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