Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
1 mol/L). As the 1 M standard state is the most widely adopted, it
follows that it is simplest to calculate the binding free energy with
respect to this standard state. However, during a free energy calcu-
lation the protein–ligand system is not simulated atc, and thus a
correction is needed to recover the standard binding free energy. If
ΔGbis the binding free energy calculated using a simulated box of
volumeV,the standard binding free energyΔGbcan be recovered
as follows [15]:


 ð^6 Þ

whereVis the standard volume of 1660 A ̊^3 , which corresponds to
a standard concentrationc¼1 mol/L.

2.2 Estimating Free
Energy Differences
from Equilibrium

Given the relationshipKb¼P 1 =P 0 , one could think of straight-
forwardly calculating the difference in free energy between two
states of a system by counting the number of configurations in
both states. That is, for binding free energies, by counting the
number of bound versus unbound configurations during a simula-
tion. This approach is however only feasible when sufficient statis-
tics can be collected, i.e., when the system can transition between
the two states of interest many times within the timeframe of the
simulation. Despite great improvements in simulation performance
in the last few decades, this is still not computationally feasible with
unbiased simulations due to the timescales involved in the binding/
unbinding process. Several other approaches have thus been devel-
oped to estimate free energy differences using data that can be
collected via molecular dynamics simulations. Here, we focus only
on the main approaches used to estimate free energy differences
from equilibrium simulations and that are relevant for alchemical
pathways. Approaches that estimate free energy from nonequilib-
rium transitions between end states are also available, and reviews of
such methods can be found elsewhere [9, 16].

2.2.1 Perturbation

One of the most well-known methods to estimate free energy
differences is based on perturbation theory, and relies on the fol-
lowing formula introduced by Zwanzig [17].

ΔG 0 , 1 ¼kBTln eβðÞU^1 ðÞx U^0 ðÞx



ð 7 Þ

The equation shows that the free energy difference can be
calculated as the logarithm of the ensemble average of the expo-
nential of the Boltzmann weighted potential energy difference
between the two states. From the subscript of the ensemble average
it is possible to note how the potential energy difference is evalu-
ated for the same reference ensemble; i.e., equilibrium sampling is
carried out for one state, here labeled “0,” and the energies are

Absolute Alchemical Free Energy 203
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