Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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histogram analysis method (WHAM) [11, 24]. MBAR has the
lowest variance among the methods discussed here, and is likely
the most reliable estimator for the type of free energy calculations
described in this chapter [24, 25].
EXP and BAR are available in popular simulation packages such
as Gromacs [26], Amber [27], and NAMD [28]. A python imple-
mentation of the MBAR estimator is instead provided by the
authors of the original publication at

2.2.2 Thermodynamic

In the thermodynamic integration (TI) approach, rather than
potential energy differences, the data needed to estimate the free
energy difference is the derivative of the potential energy with
respect to the coupling parameterλ, a continuous variable that
describes the series of intermediates states between the two end
statesλ¼0 andλ¼1. From this observable, it is possible to recover
the free energy difference with the following formula.

ΔG 0 , 1 ¼

ðλ¼ 1

λ¼ 0

∂λ λ

ð 8 Þ

The ensemble averageh∂U/∂λiis obtained from an equilib-
rium simulation performed at a certain value ofλ. Numerical inte-
gration is then needed to recover the free energy difference
betweenλ¼0 andλ¼1. The trapezoidal rule is often used for
simplicity, but any numerical integration method can be employed.
Whileλis a continuous variable, only discrete values of it are
sampled, so that there will be a bias in the estimate that depends
on how well the chosen values ofλallow for an accurate quadrature.
Therefore, while the accuracy of perturbation approaches depends
on the overlap of energy distributions, the accuracy of TI depends
on the smoothness of the integrand [29, 30].
TI is a popular method for the estimation of free energy differ-
ences, as it is robust and accurate while also easy to implement if the
simulation code provides∂U/∂λvalues. Thealchemical analysis
tool [30] available at
cal-analysisalready implements the automated analysis of simula-
tion data collected with Gromacs [26], Amber [31], or Sire
(, and the estimation of free energy differ-
ences using TI, EXP, BAR, and MBAR.

2.3 The
Thermodynamic Cycle

For both perturbation and thermodynamic integration methods,
several intermediate states are needed in order to obtain a reliable
estimate of their free energy difference. In fact, when the two end
states are the protein-bound and protein-unbound ligand, it is not
possible to obtain a reliable binding free energy estimate by simu-
lating only these two, and a pathway of intermediate states is
needed. The computation of a free energy difference thus involves

Absolute Alchemical Free Energy 205
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