Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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couple-lambda0andcouple-lambda1define the state of
the intermolecular interactions atλvalues of zero and one,
respectively; in this case we are defining that at lambda zero
both coulombic and vdW interactions are on, while they are off
at lambda one (i.e., the ligand is decoupled while going from
lambda zero to one).bonded-lambdasdefines the vector of
λrestrvalues, since the restraints can be applied as additional
bonded terms between different molecules, as shown inNote
6. This vector can be omitted when decoupling the ligand from
solution, since for that leg of the cycle the contribution of the
restraints can be obtained analytically.coul-lambdasand
vdw-lambdas define instead the lambda vectors for the
decoupling of the coulombic and Lennard–Jones interactions.
In this example, there are seven states to be simulated, each
defined by a column of the vectors above.init-lambda-
stateis then used in the mdp file in order to choose which
column is being simulated; for instance, init-lambda-
state¼ 0 means that the index 0 of the lambda arrays is
simulated (λrestr¼0.0,λcoul¼0.0,λvdw¼0.0), whileinit-
lambda-state¼ 3 means that index 3 of the arrays is
simulated (λrestr¼1.0,λcoul¼0.5,λvdw¼0.0). Additionally,
thecouple-intramolflag can be used to decide whether the
ligand should be decoupled or annihilated.

  1. In Gromacs, the Lennard–Jones soft-core potential by Beutler
    et al. [55] is implemented and can be used by specifying the
    following in the mdp file.

sc-alpha = 0.5
sc-power = 1
sc-sigma = 0.3

These three parameters define the soft-cored
Lennard–Jones function [55]. In particular, the alpha parame-
ter needs to be larger than zero for the LJ interactions to be
soft-cored. An sc-alpha of 0.5, sc-power of 1, and
sc-sigmaof 0.3 are typically used values [33, 54, 56, 69, 93].

  1. A soft-core potential for the coulombic interactions can be
    activated in Gromacs with the mdp optionsc-coul. However,
    for equilibrium ABFE calculations, it is not clear whether
    performing the coulombic and vdW transformations simulta-
    neously would result in much better efficiency as compared to
    performing the transformation separately. In fact, since the
    charge decoupling process typically shows good overlap
    between windows and smoothh∂U/∂λi,few windows are
    usually necessary [61, 93, 94].

  2. One might think that in order to keep the neutrality of the box
    it could also be possible to (de)couple an ion from solution

224 Matteo Aldeghi et al.

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