Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
into account [33]. A symmetry correction applies when: (a) the
ligand is symmetric or contains a symmetric moiety; (b) the
equivalent (symmetric) orientations or the ligand are not sam-
pled during the simulations, typically due to large energy bar-
riers between the orientations; and (c) the restraints used break
the symmetry, such that the normally equivalent orientations of
the molecule have different energies due to the biasing poten-
tial employed [33]. For a ligand with a numberσLof symmetric
and thus equivalent orientations, this correction amounts to
ΔGsym¼kTln(σL). Thus, at 300 K, for a benzene molecule
ΔGsym¼kTln(12)¼ 1 .48 kcal/mol;while for a ligand
containing a phenyl groupΔGsym¼kTln(2)¼ 0 .41 kcal/

  1. Thealchemical_analysis.pyscript may be run as follows: –d dhdl_files/ –s 1000 –t 298 –w –g

Where the--dflag specifies the directory containing the
files with the∂U/∂λandΔUijinformation from all the win-
dows; the--sflag specifies the amount of simulation time
(in ps) to discard as equilibration period;t specifies the
temperature in Kelvin;wasks for the overlap matrix to be
plotted; and--g asks for theΔGbetween each adjacent state to
be plotted. The code defaults to the analysis of Gromacs files,
so that in thedhdl_filesfolder it expects to find files that start
with “dhdl” and have “.xvg” extension (e.g., dhdl_1.xvg,
dhdl_2.xvg,dhdl_3.xvg, etc.); this can however be changed
with the--pand--qflags. Moreover, free energy calculations
run with Amber [31], Sire (, or Desmond [81],
can still be analyzed by choosing the software with the--aflag.
The--fflag allows instead to plot the free energy estimate as a
function of time in both directions. These are just some of the
options available, and the reader can find an explanation for all
of them by displaying the help message of the script.


The EPSRC and Evotec via the Systems Approaches to Biomedical
Sciences Doctoral Training Centre (EP/G037280/1) support
M.A. J.B. is supported by the EPSRC/MRC via the Systems
Approaches to Biomedical Sciences Doctoral Training Centre
(EP/G037280/1) with additional support from GSK. We thank
David Mobley (University of California, Irvine), John Chodera
(MSKCC), and Michael Shirts (University of Colorado, Boulder)
for sharing their extensive experience on alchemical free energy
calculations through publicly available platforms and personal com-
munications. Work in PCB’s laboratory is currently supported by

Absolute Alchemical Free Energy 227
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